Are there natural cures for Angina?.
Angina, sometimes called angina pectoris, is the pain that occurs when your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen. You feel a sensation of heaviness or pressure in the middle of your chest. Sometimes the pain radiates to your left arm, throat, or jaw.
Exercise, a large meal, emotional upset, or stress can bring on an attack of angina. But the condition that makes such attacks possible is narrowing of the coronary arteries, which carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
What makes these arteries leading to the heart become narrower? Little clumps of cholesterol-based substances called plaques, which accumulate along the artery walls. It’s similar to the gunk that builds up in the pipe draining your kitchen sink.
Elevated blood cholesterol is one cause of plaque, but it’s not the sole cause. According to current theories, the initial step for plaque formation is a injury to the inner lining of the artery, called the endothelium.
What causes that injury? Scientists don’t yet know for certain. But as in the beginning of a murder mystery, many suspects have been implicated. Cigarette smoking is one common cause, as are the normal chemical processes of aging. Vitamin B6 deficiency is thought to play a role. Other possible factors include immune-system malfunctions; physical injury, viral, bacterial, or chemical assaults; drug use; and poor diet. Also, certain chemical agents can cause blood cells called platelets to clump together, helping plaque to form.
Angina is a serious problem and should never be ignored; it can lead to a heart attack. This is not time to play the stoic. If angina-like symptoms begin to occur with greater frequency or with less provocation than usual, they could be a sign of worsening heart disease and impending heart attack. And if you have any undiagnosed chest pain, see your doctor immediately for an evaluation.
Because angina is such a serious disease, you must continue to see your family physician or cardiologist on a regular basis. If you are on medications for angina, work with an experienced herbalist-there are many potentially dangerous ways that drugs for the heart and herbs can interact. Do not stop taking prescribed medications on your own.
Herbal treatments for angina focus on preventing attacks. Once and episode of angina is occurring, take your nitroglycerin. Herbs can do much for angina-lower blood cholesterol, prevent and heal injuries to the endothelium of arteries, prevent the clumping of blood platelets, shrink plaques, and expand or dilate involved arteries. Herbs can also strengthen the heart in general, especially the herbs that improve energy metabolism within the heart.