Certain Rules Before Any Kind Of Dieting

Always have a light appetizer ready before dinner (tomato juice or crudités, for example) to cut down on hunger at the table.

Order plain, pasta without cheese sauce, salad without oil dressing, steamed instead of creamed vegetables, popcorn without salt and butter when you are at the movies, baked potatoes with plain yogurt and chives instead of sour cream…. Soon you shall get into a rhythm of eating plain (even if you eat almost everything) and that makes the difference. You even get to appreciate foods in their purest form, a delight long lost in a world of sauces and salts.

Reevaluate your thinking about food. Eating is not an all-or-nothing activity, a never cross your mouth with fattening foods situation. “Thin” behavior relies on a moderate, satisfying approach: Eat everything, but only a little of everything.

Drink chamomile tea: it is natural diuretic. So are watercress and asparagus.

Remember that alcohol on hot days seem to promote bloat-so say my two martini drinking friends. I do not drink, so I do not have this problem.

Cut down on the stuff that goes on food. Salt is a killer and causes water retention. Try using lemon instead of salt, toasted sesame seeds instead of sauce, drill instead of mayonnaise. Sauté with wine or unsalted soy sauce instead of oil or butter

Keep staples in the house for on the-run snacks and meals (you tend to eat oatmeal cookies because they are there): Foods such as tuna packed in water, fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cottage cheese are fast, grab able, and relatively un-fattening. See? Are you getting into the habit of attitude dieting? Measuring or weighing foods is not natural. Besides, you know what’s too much to eat. Twelve chicken things are too many.

Do away with excesses: A bagel, for example, can be sliced by your grocer into six bagel thins. One is very satisfying when you crave filler with a cup of coffee, and that way, it takes three days to eat a whole bagel.

Worst Bets:

When you want to look your thinnest, avoid foods that produce gas, which puffs up your belly. Among such foods are cabbage, notorious beans, cauliflower, broccoli, and carbonated drinks.

Why would anyone want to drink coke (which contains five teaspoons of sugar per can) when she could drink Tab with lemon (containing no sugar)? However, do not overload on diet drinks. I always feel that if I cannot pronounce what is on the label. I should drink very little of it.

Do Not Shop When You Are Starving. Only Shop After You Are Full:

Emotional crises do not get better when you are eating éclairs. The lover does not come back, the boss does not relent about the no-raise decree, and the cold does not get cured when you stuff your face. Better to buy some new makeup for a lift.

Peanuts and potato chips at bars, hors d’oeuvres at parties, will do you in every time. They really ought to be outlawed.