Like the fable of the free lunch, there is no such thing as free medicine. Many a person may think his medical care is to come without cost, but there is an expense. This thought points up the poignant fact that money can buy medicine but not health.
Did you ever stop to think that the real remedies to help you overcome illness and keep you well are free for the taking? They cost only a little time and effort. Like vitamins, they must be taken regularly to be of peak value.
Some antibiotics and hormones may be quite expensive, but the tonics fresh air, sunshine, and pure water are blessings that cost not a penny. Tranquilizers cost a lot nature’s great tranquilizer, exercise, costs no more than a walk around the block, bedroom calisthenics, or a swim in the surf or lake or pool.
Vitamins may come in bottles from the drugstore shelf, but they can also be found in the daily diet. For my money, kitchen-table medicine is the most fun to take. The vitamin C found in a luscious yellow grapefruit of a morning with the chill still on it and a cherry in the center is a bright wake-up vitamin dish that goes down a lot more easily than a pill. There they cost nothing, but comes as a bonus with your food.
Water too is an almost free medicine. Actually, it may be called nature’s wonder drug, for without it to circulate nutrients through your blood stream they could not do their healing job. Water is vital to life. Your body is about 70 percent water, so drink eight glasses of water each day. It is good medicine and costs little.
Fresh air is a commodity that many smog-filled cities are finding it harder and harder to come by. The oxygen that air contains is also life-giving medicine. You can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. How many of us get ten full breaths each day? Air comes cheap free for the talking.
Much water treatment can be given with hot fomentations to the spine, neck, and chest: hot and cold showers, and tub baths. Europeans gladly pay high resort for these luxuries at the spas, but you have such medicine as close as your bathtub almost free.
Sunshine, the vitamin-D producer that works through your skin, is also a free medicine. It takes only the time to step into a bathing suit and lie in your back yard or at the seashore or the mountains to get that healthful tanned look.
Too few skins ever see the sun, though, it is a free medicine. It will render Trojan service in clearing up skin infection and making you feel fit.
Rest is a remedy so cheap we overlook it until we become ill and have to rest 100 percent of the time. A daily rest and a good night’s sleep will do wonders to build resistance and prevent illness. Rest costs you only a nice bed, a warm water bottle, and a good book. Rest is perhaps nature’s best medicine-again, free.