Remove Diabetes from 3 Steps

1. Check what you eat everyday and make sure that the food is devoid of sugar. Avoid all flour-based foods and reduce your carbohydrate intake to a very possible minimum. If you need carbohydrate, focus on complex carbohydrate and refrain taking simple carbohydrates.

2. Have a regular exercise to boost your body system. Whether it is swimming, cycling, aerobic dancing or just brisk walking for 30 minutes, as long as you exercise, your body will be more receptive to insulin thus enabling good blood sugar level control.

3. Take supplements to compensate for body stress due to free radicals bombardment. Start with a multi vitamins and minerals tablet. In addition take omega 3 1000 mg twice daily, and evening primrose 1000 mg twice daily. Folic acid 15 mg daily. These are the secret weapons to optimum body maintenance that can add more years to your life.